Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Blah days...

I know we all have 'blah' days.  Today was one for me.  What causes them?  We all have them, so I know you know what I'm talking about.  Do we have blah days because of the lack of enough sleep?  The weather?  For ladies, that time of the month?  Lack of proper nutrition?  Too much on our minds? 

I know there are plenty of reasons we could think of.  I have been extremely tired lately.  For instance, yesterday I got home from work and took a nap.  I woke up around 5:30 or so and forced myself to go to my Krav Maga class.  I could have kept sleeping.  This morning I was able to sleep in longer than usual but still didn't want to get up.  Then, a blah mood.  I hate being so tired all the time. 


On another note.  This is a new start for each of our stores at work.  A new beginning.  A time to beat the sales numbers that we had last year.  We're already off to a pretty decent start at my store.  We are very hopeful for a great year.

We sure did finish the year out well too.  For our 4th quarter we hit budget easily and went above and beyond too.  For me, that means I get a base bonus for reaching 100% of budget, plus 1% of everything over budget.  This is a great bonus in and of itself.  Then there's something called Controllable Contribution.  We have a budget (as does any company) for our expenses.  There are things we cannot control, like rent.  That doesn't change and we can do nothing about it --- non-controllable.  Then we have things we can control, like payroll expense, inventory (we pay interest on all inventory we have sitting in our stores each month), etc.  If a store hits the budget for this, the bonus could be outstanding.  And of course we hit it.  The base bonus is more than the quarterly bonuses and as an assistant manager, I get 3.5% of everything over budget.  Oh yes, I cannot wait for the 'checks' to drop!  Direct deposit is great.  :) 


Some days, I feel like writing and can write about anything.  Other days, like today, I struggle to find something to write about.  I'm grasping at straws here.  And I'm in the mood to write too.  Bummer. 

You know how I said I was going to be honest with myself and others this year?  Well, I have been.  Or at least I've been trying.  I have one friend in particular that I'm having a hard time saying what I want to say, in the right way.  But at least I'm trying, right?  The right words will come eventually. 

But this concept totally goes the other way too.  I want others to be honest with me too.  And that happened this past weekend.  I had hurt some one's feelings, unintentionally and she called me and told me.  At first I was taken back because I didn't realize I had done that.  But we talked and I saw how she could feel that way and I apologized.  It was almost a breakthrough moment for me too.  You can ask another friend of mine, I used to get very defensive when someone would confront me about anything.  I've come a long way to be able to take it, think about it, talk about it, and fix it.  I encourage you all to work on that.  I think we all could use perspective on how we handle situations.  Is there anything you could change?  How do you handle situations?  Do you always have to be right?  Have the last word?  Do you take a moment and see things the way the other person sees them?  Can you talk about things, or do you get mad and upset? 

Make sure you tell those you care about how much you care and love them.  Life is precious and a gift.  And it can be taken in a blink of an eye.  Love with all your heart.  Listen.  Talk.  Laugh.  Understand.  Care.  Fight for what you want and what you believe in. 

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