Friday, February 17, 2012

~Memory Lane~

Memory Lane.  It can be a dangerous place sometimes.  It's bitter sweet.  Sometimes it's horrible.  Sometimes it puts a smile on your face.  It can make you laugh, cry, get angry. 

I was chatting with an old friend on an instant message today.  We met in 2001.  Labor Day weekend, on a plane.  Jerry, mom & I were headed back from celebrating my 21st birthday in Vegas.  We had a layover in Dallas, which is where my friend boarded the plane and was seated next to me.   I remember exactly what I was wearing.  I was wearing stop sign red sweat pants and a tee I had gotten in Vegas.  It is black has a pair of dice on it and it reads, 'Nice Pair'.  Yep, super attractive. 

The seat next to me was a guy heading back to NC to FT Bragg.  I remember looking at mom and just smiling so big.  He was attractive and of course we started talking.  Many great conversations happen between strangers on airplanes.  It was the very end of the flight - we may have even landed - before he asked for my number.  We hung out quite a bit after we returned to NC.  We've been friends since. 

Time and life get in the way of friends sometimes.  That can make the memories that much better, in my opinion.  Since then, we have drifted and randomly check in on each other.  I'm doing my thing here and if you're reading this you probably know me so you know what's been going on with me over the last 7.5 years.  My friend - he's married, in the reserves, has a beautiful daughter. 

Thinking about some memories with my friend has made me think of other memories.  Past friends, where I've lived, what I've done, who I've dated, etc.  Memories make me proud of some decisions I've made, question others, and sometimes just wonder what the heck even happened.  I do have a few memories that make me sad and wonder what I could have done differently.  Some that make me wonder why I didn't do anything sooner.  Some that just make me thrilled it's only a memory.  Others make me wish I were still there.  Memories make me look forward to new ones I'll make - better ones. 

It really is funny what memory lane does to you.  Just don't let it fill you with regret.  Learn from it and move on.  Make better memories.  Don't make the same mistakes. 

How do your memories make you feel?