Monday, January 2, 2012

Krav Maga

Krav Maga.  Holy cow. 

Actually, I didn't do Krav Maga.  When I got to the place the instructor asked me to go into a bag class.  KO Bag.  It is a "heavy bag class, focusing on boxing and Thai boxing combinations, with cardio and strength training as a bonus".  Okay.  The first 3 minutes were tough on me.  And that was only jumping jacks!  Seriously.  I have not exercised in a long, long, long time.  Nothing other than a little walk here and there. 

I was taught how to stand, hold my arms and hands, and how to throw a punch.  I tend to get overheated quickly, especially when I haven't done anything like this before.  The people in the class were friendly and supportive.  That's a good feeling and makes me more likely to go back.  One guy asked me, 'first time'?  I responded, 'is it really that noticeable?'.  And that was even before the class started.  I guess my nervousness was really showing.  There were people in the class that have been doing this type of thing for years and one guy had only been three other times before tonight. 

It was more than I expected for a first night.  About 35-40 minutes through I had to learn how to slow down and only do what my body would allow.  But I never completely gave up.  That's all I can really hope for.  After the bag class we all went to the 'big mat' and did sit-ups/crunches.  I was done by then.  Others in the class told me 'great job' and 'you did good' and that makes you feel good when you feel so behind! 

When that was over I was going to head over and tell the instructor 'thank you'.  He was helping with another class by then.  He motioned me over and told me that that class was a Krav Maga class.  So I watched a little then he asked if I wanted to participate.  I didn't want to look like a wuss.  I mean, that's what I had gone for anyway.  So, I took another class.  Yes, I'm a real go-getter.  Over-achiever. 

Krav Maga is a 'self defense system of the Israeli Defense Forces, with a focus on dealing with threats and getting in great shape'.  I'm about worn out.  I also have a sore elbow and a bruised hand.  Work tomorrow will be quite difficult.  But, I am going to stick with it and it will become easier over time. 

As for right now, I'm going to go soak in a hot bath for a few minutes, take some Aleve, and head to bed.  Let's hope I can walk tomorrow! 

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! Supportive classmates are a huge blessing :D
