Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!!  Today marks day one of a new year.  New beginnings.  What are your resolutions this year?  I have unofficially made a few.  Here is what I have come up with:

1.  Go to church more.  I work a lot of weekends so I cannot go to church those days, but on weekends I am off I will try to go. 
2.  Pay off debt.  I know I will not be able to pay it all off (student loans), but I can get other things taken care of. 
3.  Continue my diet.  I have been on a diet a good 50+ days.  Visalus, or Body by Vi.  I have lost about 10 pounds.  Starting this diet around the holidays has not helped in the least. 
4.  Be honest with myself about things, and with others.   Over the years I have learned to start taking up for myself because no one else will.  So I've started speaking my mind.  Sometimes that is good, sometimes not. 
5.  Be happy.  Simple as that. 

Maybe you're wondering why I've 'unofficially' made a few resolutions.  Well, I know how I am.  If I 'officially' make these resolutions I'll only be disappointed if I don't follow through.  So, if they are unofficial, then I won't be as disappointed.  Maybe that's cheating.  But it works for me. 

So what were some of your favorite memories of 2011?  I have a few myself.  I also have a bad memory, so I may leave something out that involved someone reading this.  If I do, I apologize right now.  Just remind me and I will come back and include it!  :) 

1.  The end of March I bought a new car.  A brand new 2011 Mazda 3 Sport.  I put sport in italics because that one word made my insurance sky rocket.  With this car I have driven to Myrtle Beach, Raleigh multiple times, NYC and VA.  There are many miles on it for only having it 9 months.  But, it's saved me a ton of money on gas, even with the car payment. 
2.  Beginning of April - multiple surprises for my mom's 50th birthday. 
3.  April - was able to see a dear friend of mine, Karisa, and her family at Myrtle Beach. 
4.  June - a trip to VA Beach to spend time with my dad & step-mom. 
5.  August - I turned the big 2-8.  :) 
6.  October - my niece was born.  She is absolutely beautiful.
7.  October - I drove to NYC to see a show in NJ.  Newsies.  Based on my favorite movie.  During that trip, I met some of the original cast members of the movie!  And, I also met a guy.  An Italian.  He was like my boyfriend for a day.  Best trip ever. 
8.  October - My 19 year old step-brother had a heart transplant.  A freak situation like that will make anyone stop and think about what life is really about. 

Yes, I make lists.  I like them.  They make me feel more organized. 

How did you ring in the new year?!  Me?  I fell asleep on the couch around 11:15 or 11:30.  I missed the ball drop.  I woke around 5:30 and headed upstairs to bed. 

How was your January 1, 2012?  I got up and went to church.  I was feeling great about this start to the new year!  Until....  Until I was walking out, behind the man I was sitting beside and I dropped my turvis tumbler and the rest of my shake (OJ & shake mix for my diet) and it went everywhere.  Including on the man in front of me.  I felt horrible!  Otherwise, I've had a decent day.  Already started my cleaning out.  Doesn't look like it, but trust me a lot has been accomplished.  :) 

I do hope that you all had a nice and safe and happy new year.  I wish you all the best for 2012. 


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